Saturday, January 27, 2007

We walked.

We walked with the knowledge that each step brought us closer to the end.

I supposed I was sad to see him go. But truth be told I was too shellshocked to feel much of anything. It all seemed so simple a week ago. It did not even register an hour ago. But, as we neared the departure gates, the sudden realisation that it'll be akin to an eon before I'll see him again was like the lead ball and chain, coiled around my feet.

He felt the same way too, if the way he was squeezing my hand was of any indication, and somehow, that made me feel better. I felt that I could hide my emotions better, and put on a strong front, knowing that I was not alone in feeling this way.

One step...two...

The gates loomed in front of us like the gates to the Void. (auth's note: I actually wanted to put " like big looming thingys!" heh.)


He came to a halt, and we glanced at each other, not quite able to hold the other's stare.

busy busy busy. will come back to finish this! i ...think.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey :(

T_T *sob*

